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Mittwoch, 14. April 2010
- BibliothekarInnen sind uncool nowhere- jetzt, wo, nirgendwo, re:publica 2010@Berlin #rp10
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- Planet ID Republica 2010 the blogger and social media conference
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- Seo.blog.de Re:publica 2010
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Donnerstag, 15. April 2010
- Key We Blog – posar.de Coverage: re:publica 2. Tag
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Freitag, 16. April 2010
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- Blogroyal / Stijlroyal Warum Blogs nicht das Medium der Zukunft sein können. Die re:publica 2010.
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- Relativgut Peter Kruse: Ist die Nutzung des Internets eine Glaubensfrage? – re:publica 2010
- Irgendwas ist ja immer – Reloaded / dondahlmann Danke re:publica
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- reset.to re:campaign, erster Tag: Taktiken und Tools für Online-Aktivisten
- Pfarrers Tagebuch Unheimliche Extremblogger machen das Internet unsicher!
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- der digitale flaneur re:publica # 03: Ascheregen, uneingelöste Vortragsversprechen, Breitbandbildung und Intimes Schreiben.
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- Blog LVZ online Kreative Visionäre – Miriam Meckel und Götz Werner auf der re:publica
- Girls Guide to Blogging Impressionen von der re:publica 2010
- SOUNDS LIKE ME re:publica connecting people
- Helge Weinberg’s Blog Ushahidi: ein Blick in die Zukunft der Nonprofits
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- Digital Government 2.0 re:publica #5 (Tag 3)
- engl@absurdum re:publica 2010 #3
- Anke Gröner re:publica, Tag 3 (Fazit, Ausblick, römpömpömpöm)
- Drop the thought Mein neues Hobby: Rudel Chatrouletten
Samstag, 17. April 2010
- Bildbunt re:publica 2010
- Oliver Gassner: Digitale Tage re:publica 2010 – Fazit #rp10
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- mindlounge re:publica 2010
- Scarlatti / Lorenz Lorenz-Meyer re:publica Highlights
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- Helmut von Berg Blogger-Konferenz re:publica
- Hamburger zum Mittag HZM #082 – re:publica 2010, BeachMitte und Twitterlesung
- Gender is Happening re:publica 2010 – feminism rules? eine kurze zusammenfassung!
- ECHTZEITGEIST Warum die re:publica so überflüssig wie die Luft zum Atmen ist
- PixelTafel re:publica – Rückblick
- Martin Weigert’s thoughts on the social web. And life. See you at re:publica 2011! #rp10
- Fortschritt wird gemacht re:publica – Sexismus im Netz
- Damir Tomicic What’s Next – Wie die Netzwerke Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft revolutionieren
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- rehmoblog re:publica 2010
- Mathias Richel Ein bisschen meiner re:publica zum nachlesen und schauen. (Ohne Bier, feiern, lachen und euch.)
- Die Irrlichterkette / Raventhird re:publica 2010: „Kreisbewegungen, oder?“
- Neue Westfälische Blog re:publica 2010: Der dritte und letzte Tag #rp10
- Franziskript.de Mein April #16, re:publica-edition
- Lie In The Sound Stippvisite – 17/04/10
Sonntag, 18. April 2010
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- thewavingcat / Peter Bihr Re:publica 2010 Wrap Up
- BLICA sonntagsfilmchen.
- LostFocus Re:publica 2010. Going NowHere Fast.
- Shoppingverse Wenn Prada Pakete schickt – Panel Diskussion re:publica 2010
- slow media Unser re:publica-Panel und ein Telegramm
- Roman Deeken Re:publica
- written in basic Sein eigenes Blog nach vorne bringen, aber wie?
- Kixkalogic #rp10: Frauen, Foursquare und Vorschläge
- Supernova Bohemian Rhapsody auf der re:publica
- beck-blog Netzneutralität Thema auf der Bloggertagung Re:publica
- Happy Schnitzel re:pariert, was euch kaputt macht!
- Mr Gadget Peter Kruse auf der re:publica 10
- SOUNDS LIKE ME re:publica 2010: Mashup
- macpcnux.net Episode 6 – Sondersendung zur re:publica
- plista Die Internetkonferenz re:publica 2010 – eine kleines Resumé
- Indiskretion Ehrensache / Thomas Knüwer Re-publica 10: der Neidfaktor
Montag, 19. April 2010
- evangelisch.de Blogger erfolgreich in die Gesellschaft integriert
- Rhein Onliner re:publica 2010 – Klassische Medienvertreter und der Neidfaktor
- Carolin Neumann // Journalistin Das war die #rp10
- plog.de re:publica 2010 – Meine Tags für die Veranstaltung sind…
- Die Ännie Situation #rp10Situation
- Notes to self re:publica
- karinjanners re:publica10, Tag 2, meine Fotos
- Simone Janson Warum lässige Kleidung nicht automatisch authentischer ist: Underdresscode
- mediaculture online Und sie bewegt sich doch. Schule im Internetzeitalter
- Computerspielberatung.de re:publica:Vortrag von Peter Kruse “What‘s next?”
- Der Spiegelfechter Eine Woche Nerdistan und zurück
- Anne Grabs // Social Media & Bildung re:publica 2010: Klassenfahrt mit Höhen und Tiefen
- Spitblog Auch mal was sagen
- Vodafone Blog Die re:publica 2010 – mein erstes Mal. Über Nacktheit, Privatheit und Nerds
- ZwischenZeilen Die Re:publica
- Die Sendung mit dem Internet Sendung vom 19.4.: re:publica, Peter Kruse, Bildung im Netz, Katzencontent
- fischer appelt / Social Media Strategy Lab Das Fernsehen hat zu tun.
- pin-blog / Politik im Netz re:publica — jenseits des Glaubenskriegs
- anderasvongunten re:publica 2010 Rückblick – Das Netz ist politisch…
- Projektschule Goldau re:publica 2010
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- stk Weitere Highlights der rp10
- Schaltzentrale Beleidigt sein und beleidigend sein
- be croative re:publica 2010.
- start Conference stART Team auf der re:publica10
- FHS eSociety Blog re:publica 2010 – ein Rückblick
- blogcraft.de re:publica 2010 Themenpool
- Kooperative Berlin – Kulturproduktion re:publica 2010
- Sammelmappe / Claudia Kilian Ist das Internet dumm, oder sind wir es?
Dienstag, 20. April 2010
- Kommander Kaufmann re:publica, ein Fest
- Photoappar.at Tag 3 der re:publica 2010
- tobiasknut.de Lesenswert: Open Source Lizenzen, Open Data, re:publica 2010 Nachlese und Datenjournalismus
- digitalpublic.de Lesenswert: Open Source Lizenzen, Open Data, re:publica 2010 Nachlese und Datenjournalismus
- bausteln re:publica-2010-Video-Nachlese
- Gerda knows it better Geert Lovink auf der re:publica 2010
- jensscholz.com Unterschätzt uns!
- PH Wien re:publica 2010
- Zivilschein Die re:publica 2010: Trolliert
- Angelegenheiten Miriam Meckel auf der re:publica 2010
- webguerillas Gehet offline und denkt! Ein Rückblick zur re:publica 2010
- Lonely People Talk A Lot Re-publica 2010
- mein social media marketing blog Sehenswert: Prof. Peter Kruses spannender Vortrag auf der re:publica 2010 zur gesellschaftlichen Bedeutung des Internets:
- MIKImania re:publica 2010
- changeX Mit Selbstaufschaukelungschance – re:publica 2010 – eine Konferenz zum Stand der Vernetzung.
Mittwoch, 21. April 2010
- visuelleGedanken re:publica Rückblick
- Personal Democracy Forum The Europe roundup: ECI proposal at Re:publica 2010: a view from the eurobloggers
- daniel fienes weblog #rp10 – jeff jarvis nachlese
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squares with various tea leaves and tea flavors inside each
square. This was zero cost because the students went to local stores and asked for either donations and gift cards to purchase these items.
The game would begin with them watching the collapse of society and the outbreak of magic
around the world.
can be included. By meat I mean red meat, white meat and seafood.
Always check your physician before making any changes to your daily habits.
If your tween is into paint-ball you can take everyone to play paint-ball.
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The players would begin as members of the SCA, going to Phoenix for the Estrella War.
At the end of the party all of the papers write down who they
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Some were practical, of course, but others were psychological and emotional.
*Rounds table format. The decline of the East side blues
scene was disheartening, but, it also gave rise to the need for a fresh start, which came in the form of the next blues-only venue,
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If all players are wrong the murderer gets away and everyone loses.
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entertaining and inspirational. I hope you have fun planing a
birthday party for your tween, I hope my birthday party ideas for
tween’s helped you.
‘ Satanic Ritual – Decorate the space with human sacrifice, goblets of blood, pentagrams, and things draped in black. At the end of the party all of the papers write down who they think was the prohibition agent. That is the new craze in on the internet gaming, and numerous girls and teens are possessing a blast.
I will be most certainly of the perception a magic formula so that you can Doggie Behavior
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Some were practical, of course, but others were psychological and
emotional. Popular prizes include sports tickets, cash and vouchers
for drinks, food – and dollars off of tabs.
Theme Format: It is almost like standard format of the pub
DJ spins out on Saturday nights. Anna had been looking through my phone
while I was naked. The Bull’s Head Pub, Bangkok.
DJ spins out on Saturday nights. At the end of each round read out the cumulative scores.
The Bull’s Head Pub, Bangkok.
In other words, they go against the grain of the careers their parents had.
You must definitely be planning to make it special and memorable by keeping a good theme,
ordering the best food and choosing the best
games. Ask your local club to run this for you.
The only hurdle to accessing this is of course human limitations and the fact that the brain does not function solely as a learning tool for the human being.
I believe my exact words were “I don’t want to be your dirty little secret. The Bull’s Head Pub, Bangkok.
In other words, they go against the grain of the careers their parents
had. Anna had been looking through my phone while I was naked.
The decline of the East side blues scene was disheartening, but,
it also gave rise to the need for a fresh start, which came in the
form of the next blues-only venue, Antone’s, founded by the late Clifford Antone, during the summer of 1975.
Also, we need to determine the rounds of the quiz
according to it. *Rounds table format. The buccal
cavity is a small cavity that has neither jaws nor teeth.
Also, we need to determine the rounds of the
quiz according to it. Popular prizes include sports tickets,
cash and vouchers for drinks, food – and dollars off of tabs.
The decline of the East side blues scene was disheartening,
but, it also gave rise to the need for a fresh start, which came in the form of the next blues-only venue, Antone’s, founded by the late Clifford Antone, during the summer of 1975.
Also, we need to determine the rounds of the quiz according to it.
Local country clubs are offering trivia fun for as little
as forty dollars per couple. 8.
Narrow blood vessels lie alongside the intestines of the earthworm and they absorb the nutrients from the alimentary canal feeding the rest of the body.
You must definitely be planning to make it special and memorable by keeping a good
theme, ordering the best food and choosing the best games.
The decline of the East side blues scene was disheartening, but,
it also gave rise to the need for a fresh start, which came in the form of the next blues-only venue, Antone’s, founded by the late Clifford Antone, during the summer of 1975.
DJ spins out on Saturday nights. Anna had been looking through my phone while I was
naked. The decline of the East side blues scene was disheartening, but, it also gave rise to
the need for a fresh start, which came in the form of the next
blues-only venue, Antone’s, founded by the late Clifford Antone, during the summer of 1975.
Narrow blood vessels lie alongside the intestines of the earthworm and they absorb the nutrients from the alimentary
canal feeding the rest of the body. * Team answer sheets – Basically a grid lined A4 type sheet with answer write in
numbered boxes and a line on top for the team name.
The decline of the East side blues scene was disheartening,
but, it also gave rise to the need for a fresh start, which came in the form of the next blues-only
venue, Antone’s, founded by the late Clifford Antone, during the summer of 1975.
On Sunday nights Erin Jaimes hosts a blues jam where anyone from Alan Haynes to Gary Clark, Jr.
Anna had been looking through my phone while I was naked.
They feature almost nightly drink specials and some form of entertainment every night of the week–DJ’s, live music, trivia, you name it.
(Thank you rounds are always welcome, of course.
Below are listed a few popular pubs where one can chill in Mumbai.
The buccal cavity is a small cavity that has neither jaws nor
The decor on the inside of the restaurant is absolutely beautiful.
I believe my exact words were “I don’t want to be your dirty little secret. 8.
On Sunday nights Erin Jaimes hosts a blues jam where anyone from Alan
Haynes to Gary Clark, Jr. * Team answer sheets – Basically a grid lined A4 type sheet
with answer write in numbered boxes and a line on top for the team name.
Theme Format: It is almost like standard format of the pub quiz.
The players would begin as members of the SCA, going to Phoenix for
the Estrella War. I’ve played Nancy Drew for years and even her saccharine personality is more 3D than Lindsay or ‘Linds’) as she calls herself. Play games all night long in keeping with the twenties theme such as various card games and crossword puzzles.